Earth Day and Organic Farming (Why earth day Is important to The Worm Farm)
Earth day is on April 22nd in the United States. First held on April 22nd 1970 to raise awareness for the need to protect earth for generations to come.
The official theme this year for 2023 Is “Invest in Our Planet”.
The goal is improving people’s environmental knowledge, but also promote individuals’ realization of their own responsibility for the environment.
Our earths soil capacity is dramatically declining, with some experts predicting fewer than 60 harvests remaining. The United States is losing soil 10 times faster than it’s replenished.
Specifically, Regenerative Agriculture is a holistic land management practice that leverages the power of photosynthesis in plants to close the carbon cycle and build soil health, crop resilience and nutrient density.
Regenerative agriculture improves soil health, primarily through the practices that increase soil organic matter.
Scientists warn that if our trajectory of soil damage via carbon loss, erosion, desertification and chemical pollution continues, civilization faces grave danger in just a few decades. Not only will public health plummet because the soil will generate less nutritious food, they forecast, but we also won’t have enough topsoil to farm. To feed a growing population, limit climate change and extreme weather and stop biodiversity decline, we must regenerate farmlands around the planet.
Investing in a green economy is the only path to a healthy, prosperous, and equitable future.
Human influence is unequivocally to blame for the warming of the planet and the sad truth is some forms of climate disruption will be felt for centuries to come.
It is possible keep global warming below 1.5C, but immediate and significant action is needed now.
This can only be done if we invest in our planet’s future together.
Governments must incentivize their citizens, businesses, and institutions to establish and innovate, advancing the public’s interests and creating the framework for an equitable and sustainable global economic system. Ambitious action on green energy generates increased energy security at a time where that is needed the most, while also creating the positive environmental outcomes needed to tackle the climate crisis.
Each citizen must push for sustainable solutions across the board as voters and consumers. Climate change mitigation, restoration, and adaption require the collective will and voice of the people to make the change the planet needs.
Like the industrial, space, and information revolutions of the past, all of society can and must play major roles in the green revolution – this time with existential responsibilities to get it right. Together, we must invest in our planet.