ORGANIC Soil Amendments
(for our current lbs./ bag and pricing of ea amendment, please email us along with your desired quantities)
Alfalfa Meal
Organic plant fertilizer that enriches and helps rebuild soil.
Organic plant fertilizer that enriches and helps rebuild soil.
Blood Meal
High nitrogen organic fertilizer high in protein.
Bone Meal
A slow-release source of calcium, phosphate, and protein from powdered animal bones.
Mined soft phosphate supplying phosphorus and calcium to the soil.
Composted Cow Manure
Cow manure that is composted to reduce ammonia levels present in non-composted manure and unwanted seeds.
Crab Meal
A slow-release fertilizer from the processed shells of crabs.
Diatomaceous Earth
Fossil remains from single-celled organisms from ancient marine sediments high in silica.
Dolomite 65 AG
A liming material for increasing soil pH and supplementing with trace minerals.
Feather Meal
Ground and processed poultry feathers that are a gradually releasing nitrogen source.
Fish Bone Meal
Fish bone meal is processed and dried fish bones used as a source of phosphorus.
Fish Meal
A byproduct of processing fish and a protein supplement for soil.
Glacial Rock Dust
Dust from mined and processed glacial moraines used to provide trace minerals to soils.
Green Sand
Glauconitic Greensand is a mineral-rich siltstone mined from ancient marine sediments.
A soil conditioning agent mined from sedimentary deposits.
A source of nitrogen and phosphorus produced from bat droppings that have undergone natural decomposition.
High Nitrogen Bat Guano
A source of nitrogen and phosphorus produced from bat droppings that have undergone natural decomposition.
Kelp Meal
Dried seaweed used primarily as a soil conditioner and trace mineral source.
Mycorrhiza is a fungus that is symbiotic in most plants that promotes the uptake of phosphorus reserves in the soil.
Osmocote is a Scott’s brand and there are multiple products.
Oyster Shell Flour
Crushed oyster shells used as a source of calcium carbonate and soil conditioner.
Soil conditioner with a mycorrhizal fungi support, hyphae absorb actively deliver nutrients directly to the roots.
Peat Moss, Sphagnum
Peat Moss as a soil amendment is dried sphagnum moss used to increase the water holding capacity of soil.
Perlite (OUT OF STOCK)
A volcanic product that is extremely porous and lightweight used as a soil conditioner.
Pumice Earth Lava Stone
A pH neutral soil conditioner from pumice used to increase aeration and drainage. It has a rough surface that is filled with air bubbles that form when the agitated molten lava cools rapidly. It acts as vermiculite in our soil mixes and retains water.
Premium Worm Castings
Materials processed by cultured worms for providing core nutrients to soil.
Pure Protein
Pure Protein powder is simply incredible: A one-stop amino acid-treatment for both leaf and soil application, which, when used even as a stand-alone foliar spray, creates phenomenal growth and lush, healthy leaf structure.
Rice Hulls
A soil conditioner to promote water retention in soil.
Composted chicken manure as a source of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash
A soil conditioner used primarily to increase the water holding capacity of the substrate.
Organic Compost
Compost for your soil will help with adding nutrients to your gardens, landscapes, and farms.
Mushroom Compost (not AVALIABLE)
Spent mushroom substrate from mushroom farming. Mixture of fertilizers and composts.